A key for... Bodily Health


If your concern is cold/flu prevention, herpes (HSV-1 and/or HSV-2), cancer, warts, urinary tract infection, yeast infection.


linkLDM-100 - Broad spectrum plant antibiotic, Virastatic, Bacteriostatic, Fungicidal, (Influenza, colds, respiratory and urinary infections, Staph and strep infections, difficult viral infections, Lansing, Polio, E.B. Infections, fungus infection, skin infection, warts, etc.)* "Destined to become one of the most important antibiotic herbs known to man". E.T. Krebs. LDM-100 is our most popular formula. Now available for the first time in 2 oz. bottles

linkTip for LDM-100 Use

*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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